So it's a valid thing to wonder about how much of this still applies to GameMaker: Studio.
To mention, a lot of Lua-based game engines also suffer from this kind of problem, and it is generally solved by obfuscating source code and altering the executable structure (in GM's case, with a so-called 'anti-decompiler') for the 'decompiler' to not even be able to extract the obscured game data as easily. So a program would 'read' the appropriate sections of the executable, extract game data, and repack it into an editable file, permitting various acitivities, most of which would violate EULA.
Source code was inserted into data as text, with code structure and comments intact. Game data was more or less just appended to the end of a 'runtime' executable. Such unpleasant turn of events was made possible because. If you are not familiar with what is this all about: older versions of GameMaker had produced executables that could be reversed into an editable file with a help of a program ('decompiler'). So I've decided to make a small post on the matter. It seems that questions about whether (and if so, to what extent) GameMaker: Studio games can be decompiled are being asked at a constant pace, and yet there are still no resources to clear up these questions.